
Terrorist Sleeper Cells in Europe: A Silent Threat

Politics - November 26, 2023

The war in the Middle East, which Broke out in Recent Weeks, has Reawakened Europe’s Attention to the Possibility of Terrorist Attacks in the West.

In addition to well-known and active terrorist groups, there is another more insidious and difficult to detect threat, represented by sleeper terrorist cells. Such entities, often composed of radicalized individuals, sit in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to act. A sleeper terrorist cell is a group of radicalized individuals, usually linked to a terrorist organization, who operate clandestinely within a host society, waiting for an order or opportunity to conduct terrorist attacks. These individuals may live seemingly normal lives, trying to avoid the attention of security forces and intelligence agencies. Their activity can range from recruitment and propaganda to planning and carrying out attacks.
Radicalization is a complex process that leads individuals to embrace extremist and violent ideologies, and economic and social inequality can fuel feelings of injustice and anger, pushing some people towards extremism as a means of addressing what they perceive as systemic injustices. Social isolation, especially in cases where individuals feel marginalized by society, can make them more vulnerable to extremist propaganda.
The Internet offers fertile ground for the spread of extremist ideologies with websites, social media and online forums that can easily reach large audiences and recruit individuals to radical causes. Traumatic experiences, such as the loss of a loved one or experiencing discrimination, can push some people towards radicalism as a means of venting their anger and grief. The influence of radicalized friends, family or acquaintances can be a determining factor in the hostile transformation of an individual already seeking a sense of belonging who may be attracted to extremist organizations that offer a clear and unified identity.
Political crises and international conflicts can fuel radicalization, leading individuals to support or join terrorist groups fighting for certain causes. Europe has been the scene of numerous terrorist attacks in recent years, but the threat of sleeper terrorist cells has become increasingly evident. These cells are often made up of individuals who grew up within the continent or who have returned from war zones such as the Middle East, where they joined terrorist groups such as ISIS or Hamas, an organization that has become increasingly active following the attack in Israel. Their presence within European communities represents a significant challenge for security forces and intelligence agencies.
Radicalized individuals within terrorist sleeper cells are often masters at avoiding the attention of authorities, living in a seemingly normal manner, avoiding suspicious behaviour that could lead to an investigation by security forces. Radicalization is an internal process that is not always evident on the outside. Individuals can become radicalized online or through personal relationships, making it difficult for authorities to identify who poses a threat.
The fight against sleeper terrorist cells must take place in compliance with human rights and national and international laws, making the process of identification, surveillance and detention of suspicious individuals more complex. Some radicalized individuals may have multiple citizenships, which further complicates the investigation and eventual arrest process. The authorities must inevitably coordinate with the countries involved to face this challenge, finding, in many cases, less collaboration than is necessary. Sleeper terrorist cells also use modern technology to communicate and plan attacks and this requires constant updating of intelligence capabilities to effectively counter them. Authorities must work with technology companies to tackle extremist propaganda online and limit the spread of radical ideologies. Investing in research and the development of intelligence capabilities is crucial to detect sleeper terrorist cells before they can act. Border control is a critical aspect in managing the flow of radicalized individuals, both in and out of European countries.