
What Is Happening Between Iran and Israel?

Middle East Conflicts - April 22, 2024

Israel and Iran, key players in an increasingly intricate geopolitical war, have once again clashed in the latest chapter of a story marked by tensions, warnings, and, above all, a psychological warfare that has overshadowed direct military actions.

The use of terms like “attack” and “counterattack” seems outdated in this game of chess, where the line between action and reaction blurs into a pandemonium of strategies and calculated movements. In the escalation of the past week, seemingly without tangible damage for either side, a paradoxical fragile balance emerges: a sort of “war without casualties,” at least so far.

Despite the power of the reciprocated attacks and ominous warnings, neither country has suffered significant damage to its infrastructure, nor has there been a massacre of civilians. This paradox, while suggesting an involuntary ceasefire, also reveals the rupture of the taboo of declared war. In this new chapter, fear becomes the most potent weapon, a pervasive entity that holds two of the Middle East’s main nations in check.

The situation was anticipated by American intelligence, but Iran’s response took days to materialize, fueling speculation and anxieties. Israel’s attack on the Damascus Consulate might have been seen as a proxy conflict episode, but what ensued was a pure psychological warfare. Iran’s response was delayed, but when it arrived, it demonstrated its firepower, albeit without significant material consequences.

On the other side, Israel played on anticipation, announcing its response but keeping nervousness in the air. This strategy highlighted the willingness to punish Iran through the anxiety of waiting. As the anticipation grew, so did the anxiety in Tehran, where the threat of an imminent attack forced the regime to reckon with its own vulnerability.

The crux of the matter goes beyond military confrontation: it’s about the survival of the regimes involved. Tehran, already isolated and subject to international sanctions, trembles at the thought of a declared war that could challenge its internal stability. The Iranian regime, already tested by internal protests and tensions, cannot afford to appear weak in the face of an external threat.

The message from Tehran is clear: Iran does not seek escalation but is ready to respond to any violation of international law. However, the nature of this response remains ambiguous, leaving Israel in doubt and keeping tension alive between the two nations.

The attack on Isfahan, despite being downplayed by Iranian authorities, is another sign of this constant tension. While Iranian news agencies try to reassure about the normalcy of daily life, President Raisi avoids mentioning the attack in his press conference. This, too, is psychological warfare: uncertainty about what might happen next.

Additionally, Israel vehemently rejects the idea of sanctions from the United States for alleged human rights violations by the IDF Battalion ‘Netzach Yehuda’ in the West Bank. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister Benny Gantz reacted vehemently, calling the accusation “absurd to the maximum” and promising to oppose it with all means available to the government. Despite relative calm with Iran, raids on Gaza and military operations in the West Bank continue as Israel prepares for the Jewish Passover with reinforced security measures across the country, including Jerusalem.

Israeli police confirmed a terrorist attack today in Jerusalem, where a car hit two pedestrians. The terrorists driving the car fled, leaving behind a jammed machine gun, according to police cited by the Times of Israel. In conclusion, the war between Israel and Iran persists, fueled by a psychological warfare that keeps both actors on edge. While military actions may have devastating consequences, it is fear itself that proves to be the most potent weapon in this endless conflict.